Monday, 8 July 2013

6 Weeks~

Hello my lovelies,

Sorry it's been a little while since I've posted but I've been rather busy. I'll do some posts about what I've been up to soon, but for now this is just a little pledge mainly to myself but maybe it will inspire some of you too.

I go on holiday (it's a family holiday not a ~wild girls~ holiday because I do not have many friends that are girls, let alone ~wild girls~) in 6 weeks, and then about 2 weeks after that I go to uni. I want to be healthy and fit by then so that I can be confident on holiday and when I go off to uni. Also, I'm bound to be unhealthy on holiday and at uni (certainly for freshers weeks) so I thought I might as well prepare my body slightly. So this is my plan for the next weeks -

Wear Less Makeup:

I'm quite lucky in that I have quite good skin - it's not particularly dry or oily and I don't get many spots. I try to help it as best I can by cleaning it properly day and night (perhaps I'll do a skincare post - would that be something you're interested in?), but I figured I could help it along further by wearing less makeup. Now obviously if I'm going out for the day or going to a party I'm going to wear my full face of makeup because it makes me feel pretty. But lately I've got into a bad habit of wearing a lot of makeup  - particularly foundation - when I'm just kicking around the house/popping into town. So for the next 6 weeks (and probably on holiday because I don't tend to wear makeup on holiday) I'm going to try to get into the habit of not wearing makeup if I'm not planning on leaving the house, or if all I'm doing is nipping to the shops.

Drink Water:

Every New Years I make it my resolution to drink more water, and every year I fail. I drink about one small glass of water a day if I'm lucky and that's in - the rest of my fluid is either diet coke or tea. Not only do I not particularly like water, but I just don't ge thirsty. I have to remind myself to drink throughout the day otherwise I could easily go 3 days where all I've drunk is half a glass of diet coke a day. I know through experience that if I say to myself 'I'm going to drink 8 glasses of water a day every day' I'll do it for the first 2 days, end up feeling sick because m body's not used to that much fluid, and then go back to my old ways. So I'll start slow and try drinking 1 large glass a day and then start gradually upping it. Not only is this healthy, but it will also help with the whole skin thing.


Oh exercise! Oh how I hate you! If you know me in real life you'll know that me and exercise do not get on. At school it was compulsory to do PE twice a week, but in Year 13 I went to PE for the first week of the school year and then skived it every time after that. I'm not the sort of person that feels good after working out, I'm the sort of person that feels like they're going to die. However, my personal fitness is terrible and it's getting to the point where walking up stairs is becoming difficult. I'm not going to go mad and join a gym, because I know I just won't go. I'm not going to to take up running because I tried that once and felt so self conscious that I just turned 'round and went straight back home. There is, however, a pool quite near me, and swimming is something that I love. It's not too expensive, and swimming never feels like exercise to me. So I'm going to try going swimming once a week (ish) and hopefully I'll notice a difference in my fitness.

Less Cake:

I love food and I eat a lot of food. I'm lucky in that I have a fast metabolism so I'm not overweight, but I probably should be! It's not the amount I eat that I'm really concerned with, it's what I eat. I eat crisps and chocolate and cake throughout the day like nobody's business. I never eat breakfast (food in the morning makes me feel sick), and when I'm not at school I rarely eat a proper lunch. I mean don't get me wrong, I always have a proper dinner and I love fruit and veg so it's not like I only eat crap. But I really need to start eating healthier because I'm sure I have all sorts of underlying health risks waiting to emerge. I'm not going to cut out junk entirely because I enjoy it, but I am going to at least start by trying to eat 3 proper meals a day. And then maybe I'll think about cutting down on the crisps.

So there are my 6 week summer health goals. I'm sorry if this post wasn't particularly interesting, but I thought if I posted it on here I'd feel more inclined to keep up with it. I'll keep you posted on how I'm doing, and I promise I'll start posting more often now that summer has properly started (all the school leavers things are finally finished). Let me know in the comments if you have any plans to get healthy over the summer and what aspects of being 'healthy' you struggle most with!

Thanks for reading :)


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